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 Books by Daniel Waller and Gabby Loftin

  We Need To Vote Like This Year; Like No Other


                  I know I don't have to tell you this; but, you remember how you voted for Barack Obama; well, lets do the same for Kamala Harris. There are some that may be thinking that because she is a woman, she shouldn't be President. But, to think that way is believing the old man's tale that a woman can't lead, and you know that is a lie. Women are the strongest leaders. They have been all along; pushing and holding up men, while remaining in the background. Men knows this and take advantage of it by lying and getting others to believe their lies. They said the same things about blacks; they can't be leaders in sports, in fact, leaders in anything. Blacks don't have the smarts; and you know that was a lie; just look at inventions. So don't believe it, when they say women are not smart enough to be President of the USA; show them by voting for Kamala this November. Every one old enough to vote, go to the polls and vote Democratic across the board. Why would you want a old man and his lying partner to lead you when you know all he thinks of is himself. He's milking the cows he have on his side, so let them keep giving all they have to him and he can go to; where ever; and spend it. Vote for a new way, a way that will help the workers in this country. Let's give Kamala Harris the White House by a landslide!                     


                       Thanks for stopping by; by the help of God I'll see you next week.

                      Your brother is Christ; Joseph Haugabrook


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